Mr Harold Clarke

Charity details

Huntingtons Disease Association

he Huntington’s Disease Association exists to support people affected by the disease and to provide information and advice to professionals whose task it is to support Huntington’s disease families. The HDA is financed through the generosity of trusts, foundations, the statutory and corporate sectors, branches of the HDA, members and friends.

Registered Number 296453

Dementia Uk

Dementia UK's Admiral Nurses work hand in hand with families, helping them cope with the fear, uncertainty and difficult everyday reality of dementia. They provide the compassionate expert support families need every step of the way.

Registered Number 1039404

Messages of condolence

Sorry we couldn’t be there Rest in peace Love Cheryl David Ben & Jamie Xx

Mr & Mrs David, Cheryl Ben & Jamie Clarke

With all our love Jenny & Mark, Nigel & Andrea, Emma, Steven, Astrid & Matthew


Service details

Cremation Service

12 March, 2025 12:00

Cam Valley Crematorium, Field Farm Drive, Great Chesterford, CB10 1RP

Field Farm Drive, Great Chesterford, CB10 1RP