Arthur Rank Hospice is dedicated to providing specialist palliative care and support to adult patients and their family, friends and carers
All care is provided free of charge, and is offered to people living throughout much of Cambridgeshire.
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Messages of condolence
In loving memory of a dear brother.
Mr John Sennitt
Perry you will be missed
Mrs Janice Coombes
Dear Perry, we will all miss you and hope that you might get a chance to chat to AW, whose words we have chosen in memory of you:
“The precious moments of life are too rare, too valuable to be forgotten when they have passed; we should hoard them as a miser hoards his gold, and bring them to light and rejoice over them often. We should all of us have a treasury of happy memories to sustain us when life is unbearably cruel, to brighten the gloom a little, to be stars shining through the darkness.”
― Alfred Wainwright.
Thinking of you, Rosemary and your family. All our love - David, (& Fran), James, Edward & Charlotte.
Mr David Coombes
An entertaining gentleman who was good company.
Mr John Georgeson
Perry was a wonderful man. He will be hugely missed by his family and friends. Allan and Hazel