Mr John Carr

Sadly passed away on 15th January 2025 aged 74 years.

John Carr IMP.JPG


Oh dear, if you're reading this right now, I must have given up the ghost.

I hope you can forgive me for being such a stiff and unwelcoming host.

Just talk amongst yourself my friends and share a toast or two.

For I am sure you will remember well how I loved to drink with you.

Don't worry about mourning me, I was never to offend.

Feel free to share a story at my expense and we'll have a good laugh at the end.


Charity details

The Lewy Body Society

The Lewy Body Society's mission is to fund research into Lewy body dementia (LBD) and to raise awareness of the disease.

Registered Number 1114579

Messages of condolence

Happy memories of a warm hearted and lovely man.

Ms Helen Peto

Very sorry for your loss and thank you for letting us join such a wonderful ceremony remembering John’s life and the friendly, funny and clever person that he was. We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. Much love, Jill xx

Mrs Jill Drake-Brockman

Service details

Cremation Service

06 February, 2025 14:00

Cam Valley Crematorium, Field Farm Drive, Great Chesterford, CB10 1RP

Field Farm Drive, Great Chesterford, CB10 1RP