Mrs Barbara Irving

Charity details

Addenbrooke's Kidney Patients Association Limited

The main purpose of AKPA is to help improve the quality of life for patients at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge who are suffering from kidney disease and to inform the public of patients’ needs. They are involved in a wide range of activities including occasional social events and talks by hospital staff on medical advances. The Association campaigns to improve conditions for kidney patients and to promote the Organ Donor Register.

Registered Number 277236

Messages of condolence

Donation from Maureen Gibbs

Mrs Karen Thornton

Farewell dear Barbara, we loved every time you came to Follonica to visit us. Your memory will live forever in our hearts. Anna e Andrea

Mr Robert Menegon

Our heartfelt condolences to Rachel and family.

Mrs Vatsala Singh

Remembering dear Barbara with love and joy; we have had so many lovely chats behind St. James’ book stall and before services. What a blessing you have been to so many people, myself included. Love never dies. Elizabeth

Mrs Elizabeth Brown

Service details

Church Service

03 January, 2025 12:00

St James' Church

Wulfstan Way, Cambridge, CB1 8QJ