Mr David Adams

Charity details

Arthur Rank Hospice Charity

Arthur Rank Hospice is dedicated to providing specialist palliative care and support to adult patients and their family, friends and carers

All care is provided free of charge, and is offered to people living throughout much of Cambridgeshire.

Registered Number 1133354

Messages of condolence

David contributed so much, not only to Lt Shelford, but to a much wider area. He will be so much missed. He was wonderfully talented with a rich humour and friendliness.

Mrs Brenda Bishop

You will be missed. You were a lovely man and a great friend. From David. Thank you for your smiles and always making me feel valid. We miss you. From Charlotte

Mrs Charlotte Munro

David was an exceptional man, a brilliant organist and an inspirational teacher who will be remembered with admiration and affection by many many people.

Mrs Janet M Marven

Thank you Dave, for all the music, bravura and cheer you brought to our local community!

Dr Mariann Bienz

An outstanding musician, teacher and musical director, and a good friend.

Mr Alan Oswald

A wonderful man, loved by many in the Village and beyond and a very good friend. David will be sadly missed by all but leaves us with so many happy memories of his musical talents and great friendship.

Mr & Mrs David Jones

Service details

Church Service

20 December, 2024 14:00

All Saints' Church

Church Street, Little Shelford, CB22 5HG