Mrs Heather Susan Taplin

Charity details

Arthur Rank Hospice Charity

Arthur Rank Hospice is dedicated to providing specialist palliative care and support to adult patients and their family, friends and carers

All care is provided free of charge, and is offered to people living throughout much of Cambridgeshire.

Registered Number 1133354

Messages of condolence

I could not have wished for a more loving, kind and wise Aunty. You are thought of every single day and will be forever missed. Until we meet again. Love always Simone xxx

Miss Simone Kirk

With wonderful memories of Heather. Isobel Fox

Mr & Mrs Isobel and Peter Fox

Fond memories of a very kind and lovely sister in law.

Mrs Patricia Bull

Heather was always a very warm and friendly person presence at Castle St Methodist Church. Janet.

Miss Janet Allen

Will miss you forever, but will hear your words and your love and kindness always Darren, Jo, Caitlin, Olly, Toby and Arthur xxxxxx

Mr Darren Runham

We will miss you. Jenny and Stuart

Ms Jennifer O’BRIEN

Service details

Funeral Service

13 December, 2024 14:00

Castle Street Methodist Church

Castle Street, Cambridge, CB3 0AH