Mr Robert Bradshaw

Charity details

Arthur Rank Hospice Charity

Arthur Rank Hospice is dedicated to providing specialist palliative care and support to adult patients and their family, friends and carers

All care is provided free of charge, and is offered to people living throughout much of Cambridgeshire.

Registered Number 1133354

Messages of condolence

Bob was a very good friend - good humoured, talented, inspirational and very courageous..... missing him so much.

Mr & Mrs John Cash

We have very fond memories of Bob. He was a very kind and generous man who shared his talents so freely. We will miss him

Mr & Mrs Graham Kipping

Bob and I were friends for over 60 years and started working together on the same day. He was great to have as a friend and we shared many happy, lovely and funny experiences over the years. I shall miss him greatly.

Mr James W Howard

Bob was a wonderful person to know, very warm & caring. I have fond memories of our discussions in housegroup. With love Jan Carpenter

Mrs Jan Carpenter

Bob influenced my life for the better.

Mrs Maria Stringer

Service details

Church Service

25 November, 2024 14:30

Haslingfield Methodist Church

High Street, Haslingfield, CB23 1JW