Mrs Eeva Kristiina Abrahams





Donations are in memory of Eeva who sadly died on Thursday 31 October.

The two charities chosen were both ones which Eeva supported in her lifetime.

Charity details

Arthur Rank Hospice Charity

Arthur Rank Hospice is dedicated to providing specialist palliative care and support to adult patients and their family, friends and carers

All care is provided free of charge, and is offered to people living throughout much of Cambridgeshire.

Registered Number 1133354

East Anglia's Children's Hospices

The hospice offers a holistic and family-centred approach to care ensuring that children, young people and their families' needs are met, whether physical, emotional, social or spiritual.

Care can be delivered in the family home, at hospital, in the community, at one of the three hospices, or a combination of all three, depending on the family's and child’s preference

Registered Number 1069284

Messages of condolence

It was lovely to have got to know Eeva over the last 24 years. Such a nice lady who will be much missed. Rest in peace. Veronica and Alan.

Mrs Veronica Green

You always talked fondly of Arthur Rank and we enjoyed many a Christmas Pudding from them xxx

Mr Jonathan Abrahams

Rest in peace Eeva. You will always be remembered for all the happy times our families spent together. With love from Daniel, Clare, William and Emily,

Mr Daniel Clarke

Dear Eeva, fondly remembering our weekends together and party chats

Mr & Mrs John and Vera Crout

in memory of Eeva a good friend over many years

Mrs margaret whittaker

Dear Eeva! Thank you for your hospitality and many Happy memories . The Austins

Mr & Mrs David Austin

Service details

Cremation Service

22 November, 2024 14:00

Cambridge City Crematorium

Dry Drayton , Cambridge, CB3 0JJ
Eeva's service will be held in the West Chapel