Mr Tim Loane

Charity details

The Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust

Registered Number 1191420

Messages of condolence

Thinking of you and how happy you made my sister you were a HEART OF GOLD

Mrs Heather Duncan

We are so sorry for your loss Sonia and hope that all your wonderful memories will bring you comfort at this sad time. With love Richard and Rachel.

. Richard and Rachel King

So sorry for your loss Sonia. Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Love Sally

Mrs Sally Holloway

Sonia, words can never be enough, but I've borrowed these in the hope that they offer a crumb of comfort: Loss leaves a heart-ache no-one can heal, love leaves a memory no-one can steal. With sympathy and love, from Gill and Dave

Mr David Lee

We are so sorry for your loss Sonia. We are thinking of you and sending you our love and support. Love, Jenny, Robert and Ann

Mrs Jennifer Flenley

No one can prepare us for the loss of a loved one. My heart goes out to you for losing your soul mate. I doubt words can express your deep sorrow, but I hope you bounce back to life after grieving this great loss; it is the best tribute to his memory.

Dr Kamran Kordi

So sorry for your loss Sonia. Thinking of you. Love. Giulia

Miss Giulia Casonato

So very sorry for the loss of your beloved Tim. You are in our hearts and prayers Sonia Love Niki

Mrs Niki Oliver

Service details

Church Service

27 August, 2024 13:00

St Mary's Church

Station Road, Over, CB24 5NH
The service will be followed by a burial in the churchyard. Smart black attire has been requested by the family.