. Sir George Jeffrey Bull .

Charity details

Alzheimer's Society

Alzheimers society are the UK's leading dementia support and research charity for people living with dementia, their families and carers.

Registered Number 296645

Your Place (London) Limited

Your Place is a charity dedicated to solving homelessness in east London, one person at a time. It offers hope, a home and a healing place to grow, where people who’ve lost their homes can get the individual support they need within a safe, caring community.

Registered Number 1147794


The Drinks Trust

The Drinks Trust is the charity dedicated to the drinks and hospitality workforce. It strives to empower people through services designed to assist financially, restore well-being and develop skills, and to do so with compassion and respect. In doing so, The Drinks Trust seeks to create an equitable industry where opportunities to thrive are open to all.

Registered Number 1023376


Messages of condolence

In memory of a great man in the drinks trade.

Mr & Mrs Julian & Carolyn Blakemore

"Uncle" George was one of the most impressive people in my life and in our family's life. His kindness, wise counsel and constant smile helped our mother function and enjoy life and he gave us all someone we knew was watching out for us. Always there, never asking for anything in return. Ably supported by the indominable Tessa, we were so blessed to enjoy our time with them. Our hearts go out to the family. Our memories will live long.

Mr Mike Morley-Fletcher

In memory of George, who recruited me into IDV (but as I recall I hardly got a word in edgeways during my interview). He was the most inspiring leader, passionate about the company and of course its brands and great fun to work with. The world is a little bit less joyful without you George. RIP Sue & Colin Gordon

Mr & Mrs Colin Gordon

I worked for George when he was Chairman of Sainsbury's and recruited me to return as CEO. A wonderful and inspiring man who set very high standards. We stayed in touch and I much admired and liked him. I very much regret that I can not be at his service as we are away and I could not cancel at this stage.

Sir Peter Davis

In memory of George From David & Isabel Maxwell Scott

Mr David Maxwell-Scott